Environment: Reduce your environmental impact to differentiate yourself

Environmental performance Reduce your impacts to differentiate yourself

An environmental strategy, consistent with a company's economic objectives, develops actions to reduce the environmental impacts of the organisation's activities, while anticipating or respecting regulatory constraints.

Developed according to the specificities of the company, the deployment of this strategy responds to the need to boost environmental performance, to act in the face of energy and climate issues, while meeting the expectations of civil society.

AD FINE, specialist in ecological transition, offers you organisational and operational solutions in the deployment of this strategy.

Discover our solutions

Integrating an environmental strategy

Why develop your environmental performance ?

Because it is necessary and urgent to act!

Limiting global warming, thwarting the shortage of raw materials, respecting the Paris Agreements, reducing the impact of energy price fluctuations are all reasons for a company to define an environmental strategy, combined with its economic and social interests.

More and more companies are committing to an environmental approach, taking into account the product value chain. It is becoming necessary for a company to provide clear and transparent information on the environmental impacts of its products and services, taking into account their entire life cycle, to justify its economic and social choices and to display its environmental policy. Such decisions have an undeniable weight in obtaining markets and developing the activity, and even in its sustainability.


How to implement an environmental strategy?

An environmental strategy is developed from a broad vision of the context, making it possible to set measurable and specific objectives, to establish indicators and thus to build a long-term action plan that will ensure the sustainability of the approach.

The entire value chain of products and direct and indirect activities must be examined: the general context and the evolution of the markets in which the company is positioned; environmental, economic and social issues; the global outlook on energy, climate and raw materials; the organisation's short and medium-term objectives, etc.

Different approaches are possible :

  • The implementation of an environmental management system.
    It will involve all levels of the company and will commit the management and all employees to a continuous improvement process that meets the environmental challenges and limits the impact of their professional activities ;
  • Conducting studies to identify and quantify the environmental impacts generated by a product or service throughout its life cycle (Life Cycle Assessment), by an organisation or an event (Bilan Carbone®), in order to develop reduction actions plans ;
  • The construction and implementation of an eco-design approach, aiming at the sustainable integration of the environmental parameter in the company's processes.

What are the benefits for the organisation?

  • Enhance the company's social mission and provide a concrete framework for the expression of its values: by formalising and formalising its commitment to an environmental strategy, the management establishes a meaningful project that boosts the commitment of its employees; the clarity and coherence of this social and environmental positioning are also attractive for the recruitment of talent looking for committed companies ;
  • Develop a better knowledge of the product life cycle to act on all costs and risks; thus propose an added value offer thanks to a reduced environmental footprint, which provides a basis for the sustainability of the company's activities thanks to its positive economic impact ;
  • Contribute to the construction of a resilient, sober and cooperative world by taking the measure of the changes underway, by assessing the need to integrate new practices, by training and informing internal and external stakeholders.

AD FINE support

The strength of AD FINE's support lies in the ethical commitment and complementary skills of its staff, enriching environmental understanding with a vision in terms of energy efficiency and circularity

AD FINE's strategic and technical approach leads to operational solutions, tailor-made to facilitate their implementation and the involvement of all employees in the ecological transition..

Our solutions

Adaptation au changement climatique

Les experts AD FINE accompagne la résilience de l’entreprise face au changement climatique, en ouvrant la réflexion sur son anticipation afin de réduire les coûts de l’adaptation (la prévention est moins coûteuse, en lissant les investissements à moyen et long terme), pérenniser l’activité et améliorer la compétitivité.

Dans un premier temps, AD FINE propose de sensibiliser la direction de l’organisation et ses équipes à la question de l’adaptation, à travers un Atelier de l’Adaptation au Changement Climatique (AdACC). A la suite de cet atelier, un diagnostic pourra être établi afin d’identifier les premières actions à mettre en place. Un parcours individuel, spécifique à chaque organisation, sera construit pour engager l’entreprise dans la voie de l’adaptation

ISO 14001 internal audit

To analyse the gaps between the existing system and the requirements of ISO 14001: 2015 (Initial Gap Analysis); to build a roadmap to estimate the human and budgetary resources needed for the evolution towards an ISO 14001 environmental management system.

Carbon assessment

Assess your greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with a GHG assessment (Scopes 1 and 2) or a Bilan Carbone® (global approach taking into account the 3 scopes), and build an operational action plan to be integrated into your management system. AD FINE holds the Bilan Carbone® qualification, delivered by the Bilan Carbone Association.

Environmental communication

Tailor-made support to promote your environmental approach and the performance of your products and services, both internally and externally (subcontractors, customers, environmental declaration, EMAS, etc.).

Possibility of training in the environmental communication of products and services.

Diag Décarbon'Action Bpifrance

AD FINE est référencé parmi les experts de ce dispositif d’accompagnement à la transition écologique de Bpifrance.

Ce dispositif lancé par Bpifrance et l’ADEME en collaboration avec l’Association pour la transition Bas Carbone (ABC) permet de rentrer dans un démarche de réduction de vos émissions de GES (Gaz à Effet de Serre) conformément aux méthodes Bilan Carbone®, et réglementaire BEGES.

Cette prestation d’une valeur de 10 000€HT pour 12 jours de conseil, est prise en charge à hauteur de :

👉 60% pour les PMEs de moins de 250 collaborateurs ;

👉 40% pour les PMES de 250 à de 499 collaborateurs.

Pour en savoir plus sur le Diag Décarbon'Action, cliquez ICI

Diag Ecoconception Bpifrance

AD FINE est référencé parmi les experts de ce dispositif d’accompagnement à la transition écologique de Bpifrance.

Lancé au 1er janvier 2023, ce nouveau dispositif permet de :

  • améliorer la performance environnementale des produits, services ou procédés grâce à une évaluation environnementale de ceuxci ;
  • former les équipes à l’écoconception ;
  • intégrer la démarche d’écoconception dans la stratégie de l’entreprise en la mettant en place concrètement et de façon pérenne au sein de l’organisation ;
  • pour les produits et services concernés, préparer l’obtention d’une certification de type Ecolabel européen.

Cette prestation d’une valeur de 18 000€HT pour 18 jours de conseil répartis sur 6 à 8 mois, est prise en charge à hauteur de :

👉 70% pour les PMEs de moins de 50 collaborateurs, soit 5 400 € HT ;

👉 60% pour les PMES de 50 à 249 collaborateurs, soit 7 200 € HT.

Nous sommes à votre disposition pour vous renseigner plus précisément sur ce dispositif et vous accompagner dans la constitution de votre dossier auprès de Bpifrance.

Contactez-nous pour en savoir plus.

Diag Eco-Flux Bpifrance

AD FINE est référencé parmi les experts de ce dispositif d’accompagnement à la transition écologique de Bpifrance.

Ce dispositif permet d’identifier vos sources d’économies durables en réduisant vos déchets, pertes en énergie, matière et eau. Il vous propose un plan d’actions sur ces flux pour réaliser des économies, gagner en rentabilité et réduire ses impacts sur l’environnement. Vous serez accompagné pendant 12 mois dans la mise en œuvre de ce dispositif.

Pour en savoir plus sur le Diag Eco-Flux, cliquez ICI

Pour en savoir plus : https://diagecoflux.bpifrance.fr/

Flow diagnosis (waste/water)

Establish an inventory of your organisation's flows by type (inputs, water, energy, waste). Analysing these flows with the MFCA method (in accordance with the ISO 14051 standard) allows you to calculate the inherent costs, to better control them, to identify optimisation opportunities and thus to increase environmental and economic performance gains.


Support for the implementation of an eco-design approach for products and/or services, whether or not integrated into an environmental management system.

Possibility of eco-design training.

Environmental assessment / life cycle assessment

Assessing the environmental footprint of products and/or services: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) with or without critical review, provision of environmental declarations (eco-profiles, EPD/FDES, PEP). With the support of the expert tool SIMAPRO.

Possibility of training in product environmental assessment and LCA.

Outsourced environmental manager

Support for the management of your organisation's environmental management system by one of our staff

ISO 14001 environmental management system

Integrate a life cycle perspective, then deploy an action plan. Support the implementation of an environmental management system (EMS).

We can help you implement an environmental management system (EMS) in accordance with the ISO 14001: 2015 standard, or upgrade it to this version.

Système de management responsable lié à l'activité évènementielle ISO 20121

AD FINE accompagne tous les organisateurs d'évènements de tous types (congrés, festivals, concerts,...) au déploiement de la norme ISO 20121. Cette démarche leur permettra d'intégrer le développement durable dans leur activité évènementielle : réduire l'impact lié aux déchets, mettre en place une démarche d'achats responsables, inclure socialement et sensibiliser une communauté. 

Reconnue dans le secteur évènementiel, l'obtention d'une certification ISO 20121 fournit un cadre et valorise les efforts de l'organisation en termes d'optimisation du fonctionnement, de la réflexion sur l'amélioration continue des performances de développement durable. 

La norme se déploie en 6 étapes :

  1. Connaissance de l'organisation et analyse des écarts ;
  2. Objectifs et enjeux de développement durable ;
  3. Plan d'actions de développement durable ;
  4. Communication et sensibilisation
  5. Maîtrise opérationnelle et management de la chaîne d'approvisionnement ;
  6. Evaluation des performances de développement durable et amélioration continue.

Contactez nous pour nous présenter votre projet. 


Natural Games

Organisation - Festival de sport Outdoor et de musique (12)


Organisation – Plasturgie (60)

Celta - Rossman

Organisations – Papier / carton (63)


« From its first public edition in 2022, the Trail de la Cité de Pierres will carry out a Bilan Carbone®. Hosting 1200 runners on a natural site has undeniable environmental impacts. The analysis of the data collected, in particular on the management of waste, the means of transport of the participants and the volunteers, the purchases, will enable us to work out and set up a plan of operational actions to reduce our impacts during the next editions ».

Guilhem Prax – L’Ecole de Trail (Millau - 12) organizer of the Trail de la Cité de Pierres.